The Anathemata

Rite and Fore-time (continued)

And over the submerged dryad-waysa

intensively his ray searches

where the alluvium holds

the polished neolithsb

and where the long mound inhumes

his neolithic loves

or the round-barrow keeps

the calcined bones

of these, his still more modern hallows

that handled the pitiless bronze.

David Jones notes

additional notes

a i.e. forests.

b It has been plausibly suggested (see Hague p. 81) that ‘neoliths’ is here a slip or misprint for ‘eoliths’. Firstly, eoliths (‘dawn-stones’) are the earliest chipped instruments that have been found, in alluvial deposits; though they are now generally regarded as having been fashioned by nature rather than by man. This preserves (or makes) a sensible chronological progression from the paleolithic through the neolithic to the bronze age round barrows. (‘Hallows’ is here a noun, the beati who handled the pitiless bronze.) Secondly, it would be unlike DJ to repeat the sounds of ‘neoliths’ and ‘neolithic loves’ when the suggested emendment would have better pleased his fastidious ear.


semantic structures
