The Anathemata

Middle-sea and Lear-sea (continued)

What bells is thata

when the overcast clears on a Mars’ Venus-Day

Selene waxed, the sun in the Ram?1

David Jones notes

1 See note 1 to page 52 above and see in the account of the Passion according to the three synoptic writers ‘darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour’. Cf. page 239 below, text and note 2.

additional notes

a six bells in the afternoon watch, i.e. 1500 hours, the traditional time of Christ’s death.


‘Venus-Day’=Friday in many cultures. The text and note makes it clear that the day and time of the Pelasgian’s entry into the port anticipates (by hundreds of years) Good Friday; thus making the seafarer a symbol of Christ leading man to his haven.

semantic structures
