The Anathemata

Angle-land (continued)

From the foraa 
to the forests.
Out from gens Romulumb 
into the Weal-kin1 
dinas-man gone aethwlad2 
civesc gone wold-men
. . . from Lindumd to London
bridges broken down.e 

David Jones notes

1 Cf. Wealcyn used by the Teutonic invaders of any group of kindred within those lands which had been part of Roman Britain. Pronounce, wa-ahl.

2 dinas, city, din-ass, accent on first syllable.

aethwlad, outlaw, aeth-oolahd, ae as ah +eh, accent on first syllable.

additional notes

b DJ apparently intended ‘Romulûm’ as a contraction for the correct ‘Romulorum’ (genitive plural, ‘people of Romulus’ with ‘of Romulus’ taken as an adjective formed from Romulus), but the circumflex never appeared in print. (Hague p.141).

d Lindum = Lincoln; ‘wold’ thus refers to the Lincolnshire Wolds, the countryside round Lincoln.

e  Cf. the song London Bridge is broken down; for the history of London Bridge, see Wikipedia.


semantic structures


a fora: plural of forum, the market place at the centre of a Roman city (pronounced with a short o as in forests).

c cives: citizens (pronounce key-ways).