The Anathemata

Keel, Ram, Stauros (continued)

Listen: when it’s adieu to y’r3 

Miletus ladies

when it’s farewell to you

Lady of Thebesa 

when we founder

when we embrace the sea-stript dead

wher’l they be?

away with the coverage

on a proper Siren’s cruise.

That’s how they work it

in Pluto’s Thalassocracies.

Where ’ld be their bleedin’ miracle

that is Graecia

but for us ones

as cargoes-up

the thousand ships?

Caulk it, m’ anarchs

he’s fixed you

with his ichthyoid eye.

[page 173]

Aye, the old ichthys!

David Jones notes

3 Pronounce as ‘ard-yer t’yer’. My Greek seamen speak cockney.

additional notes

a Lady of Thebes: Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. But also Aphrodite Pandemos, the love that unites all people, the personification of order and civic unity.


The Marxist singing crewmen ridicule the risks of the owners. The drowning of the crewmen would mean, for them, farewell to the sexually loose ‘Miletus ladies’ and the goddess Aphrodite; whereas for the owners the insurance would finance an erotic cruise (though Sirens lead sailors to their death, too). The proletarian song ends when they see the captain glaring at them.

semantic structures
