The Anathemata

Sherthursdaye and Venus day (continued)

Not every year is the salvage of so many inhabited places made legitimate loot. Not at every time are the cosmocrats as prodigal or the bleached bodies so many, as now, in this place.

In the wasted land

at jackal-meet

at the division of the spoils

with his hands stretched out

he continues.2 

David Jones notes

2 See Extensis manibus prosequitur, the words of the rubric directing the posture of the celebrant at the prayer in the mass beginning Supra quae propitia.

additional notes

DJ note 2: ‘He continues with his hands stretched out’.


Again the relationship between the crucifixion and the mass is brought out. The division of the spoils is the post mortem division of Christ’s clothes. The theme of war continues.

semantic structures
