The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is always being retold: by the Mariner himself as he passes from land to land; by Coleridge in his innumerable revisions to the poem; by the artists who have illustrated his words over the last 170 years; and by the Wordsworth Trust as it presented its popular exhibitions in 1997 and 2006. The Trust has greatly increased its holdings of Ancient Mariner material since it first exhibition in 1997, through both purchase and gift, and mounted the 2006 exhibition almost entirely from its own collections.
This set of web pages presents more images than could be made available on the walls of the exhibition space or in the 2006 printed catalogue, and has more to say about the various versions of the text, including presentations of two reading texts, than the latter. On the other hand, the catalogue is a more handsome volume, and contains more commentary about the poem and its illustrators than is given here; it is available at the website shop.
These web pages have been designed to supplement, not replace, the printed catalogue. They constitute yet another retelling of the story.
the Wordsworth Trust website and possibly buy a copy of the printed
and other good stuff from the online shop including a CD of Ian
McKellen reading the poem
The photograph is of the Ancient Mariner statue at Watchet, a place very near to where The Ancient Mariner was written.