I started flying kites more than 30 years ago when I was working at Malvern where there was a splendid kite shop (now long vanished, alas). My first kites that I bought there were an early Waldof box and a Morgan tumbling box. At that time my work took me to the USA a lot and there I found a serious interest in kites and some splendid kites to match. Since then I have grown my collection quite considerably. It may be found by following this link. I have been involved in the wider kite flying community in the UK mainly through the North East Kite Fliers (NEKF) and as one of the founders of the British Kite Flying Association (BKFA). Although my home in the Northumberland end of the north Pennines is some way away from the big UK festivals, I try to attend as many festivals and local displays as I can.

page updated 25 May 2019