The Anathemata

Mabinog’s Liturgy (continued)

Upwards of two hundred and fifty years

since West-raum seekers

brought La Tène to Thames-side,

Caratacus a growing son.

Belgic romanophils

already half toga’d

in Camulodunum

but keep, as yet, their trousers on.

Amminius yet our creature?7 

David Jones notes

7 Amminius, the brother of Caratacus and son of ‘Cymbeline’ but of the pro-Roman faction. During the century between Caesar’s invasion and the Claudian occupation, Belgic Colchester (Camulodunum) had been open to the cultural and economic influences of the Roman world and the successors of Cunobelin were divided in policy. I use the names ‘Caratacus’ and ‘Amminius’ as symbols only of the two reactions to that state of things when the full weight of a materially powerful and advanced civilization is brought to bear upon peoples of a far earlier culture-phase.

additional notes


semantic structures
