Reading List
The following books have been consulted during the preparation of this material. Many are not now in print, but secondhand copies can often be obtained on the internet.
S.T. Coleridge, The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, edited by K. Coburn (1957)
A. Hankinson, Coleridge Walks the Fells (1993)
S. Hebron, The Romantics and the British Landscape (2006)
R. Hudson, Coleridge among the Lakes & Mountains (1991)
N. Nicholson, The Lakers (1955)
W.H. Pearsall and W. Pennington, The Lake District (1973)
W. Rollinson, The Lake District Landscape Heritage (1989)
W. Rollinson, A History of Man in the Lake District (1967)
W. Rollinson, Life and Tradition in the Lake District (1974)
W.M. Stuart, Lakeland in the 1830s based on the journal of a gentleman traveller, Isaac Simpson (2009)
I. Thompson, The Lake District, a History (2010)
W. Wordsworth, Guide to the Lakes (1810)