Picture Gallery
(click on an image for a larger version in a new
Here you will find pictures of a number of Lions
events that have taken place over the last few years. They are not
necessarily in chronological order, but are intended to show the
wide range of activities that Lions enjoy as a group when we are
not fundraising. We hope that you notice that being a Lion brings
a lot of fun and companionship as well as the reward that comes from
supporting the Allen Valleys and wider communities.
Black Sheep Brewery Trip
Wasdale Walking Weekend
The Real Walkers
The Strollers
Allendale Beer and Bands Festival
Burns Night
Allendale Fair
Santa and his Sleigh
Clay Pigeon Shooting
Lions on Lindisfarne
Lions and Dogs go for a Walk
Lions and Dogs go for another Walk
Learning First Aid
Bonfire Night
Lighting the Fire
Allendale Lions meet Matt Baker
Allendale Charity Auction